HK Debating Team Take on the World
A team of six local students will competing for the World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships, which is the debating equivalent of football’s World Cup, in Lithuania.
English Debate
Debate is a combination of arts and science.
The nature of competing motivates you to thrive for a better performance, however attaches you with a possibility of losing. The class itself is a life lesson. No one can win with mere articulation; neither can you triumph with bare evidence. The balance has to be struck between the art of persuasion and rationale of statistics. It signifies the importance of all-round development. The beauty of debate lies in its very nature: It is not at all easy to maintain a record of championship, while not difficult to outperform oneself by practices and experiences.
Debate is an integrated training on rational thinking and presentation. It is never too early, nor too late to learn. At an early age, your kids will gain an edge in polishing their presentation skills. As your kids grow mature, they will benefit from the early exposure to rational thinking.
There is no doubt that debate plays a particularly important role in the current education system and the modern world of new era. We believe that equipping ourselves for the challenges ahead will always ensure our chance to triumph.
1. 推廣辯論,讓更多人知道辯論是具啟發性和教育意義的活動,能有效提升學生邏輯思考能力、表達技巧和溝通技巧。
2. 啟蒙兒童,幫助他們打好知識基礎,為將來高等教育和終生學習作好準備。
3. 協助兒童認識自我潛能,建立自信。