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國際辯論學會 The Debating Association辯論不是無理爭辯, 而是終身學習的精神。 Debating is an appreciative learning mentality for life. |
Global Cup 2011 Speech Material Sample English
如有問題請致電 2337 9088/6246 3727 | For any enquiries,
please contact us at 2337 9088/62463727
We always believe in assisting students with their self-confidence and communication capabilities by giving them a chance to perform on stage. With this objective, we organized the “Global Cup 2010” last year. With the immense support shown by parents and students, we received a lot of positive feedback about the contest. Therefore, we did not have any hesitance to provide this opportunity again for students to showcase their talents!
“Rainbow Speech Contest 2011” will be held in January 2011. We are honored to have invited the QualiEd College to support the event and Sunflower Travel and Face Optical to sponsor the event. We look forward to leading our students to a rainbow life!
比賽流程 Contest Schedule
參賽須知 Notice to Contestants
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比賽日期 : 2011年1月30日 | Date: 30th January 2011
時間: 上午九時至下午一時 | Time: 09:00-13:00
場地: 將軍澳匯知中學 | Venue: QUALIED COLLEGE
地址: 將軍澳調景嶺勤學里2號 | Address: 2, Kan Hok Lane, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O
(調景嶺地鐵站 A/B 出口 直上經 都會廣場 及 彩明村 沿科路直上轉右 > 匯知中學 禮堂)
如有問題請致電 2337 9088/6246 3727 | For any enquiries, please contact us at 2337 9088/62463727
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2010 國際朗誦盃
請各參賽者或家長於 2010 年 8 月20 日 至 2010 年 12月31日, 親臨本會 (國際辯論學會) 地址: 九龍塘喇沙利道1B一樓 領取參賽獎狀及獎盃 , 如有問題請致電2337 9088/ 6246 3727查詢 ◦
Certificate and Prize Distribution:
Participants or parents are invited to come to our Organization (The Debating Association Ltd) from 20 August, 2010 to 31 December, 2010. Our address: 1B 1/Fl La Salle Road Kowloon Tong Please call 2337 9088/6246 3727 for inquiries.